
My name is Jerome Lamy. I am an electrical engineer with interests in mechanics and software development. I am currently working as design engineer for high end audio and instrumentation products in Switzerland. I use eagleUp almost daily in my work to optimize the design of the equipment, and save cost in prototyping.

Earlier in my career I have worked in a research center, focusing on low power, high performance applications. My main interest was the development of wireless, battery-less sensors. The rest of the time, I was developing MEMS products and test benches for their characterisation.


Feel free to write me at jerome dot lamy at gmail dot com.


Several companies have requested an easy way to make a small donation :


I would like to give a special thanks to Tristram for his help and advices with Ruby and Image Magick. Thanks for your great ideas !

The first releases were designed for Windows and performed poorly on Mac OS. Thanks to Erik for the improvement on the Ruby script to bring a stable Mac OS version. Thanks Erich for offering a solution to another Mac OS issue, and Joe for the correction on the curved outlines.

The banner was designed by Laurent.