
My outline is correct but the board does not appear in Sketchup.

This is a known issue of Sketchup on systems using the comma (,) as a default decimal separator.

There is no fix yet, you can try to change your regional settings to use a dot, import the eup file, then revert to your comma setting.

The board is not generated correctly.

This happens when the outline of the board is not a single closed path. Here I had left the technical borders for manufacturing of the PCB. eagleUp only supports a single outline. Try removing the unnecessary lines from your layout and export again.

The export in Eagle works, but it does not import in Sketchup

There seems to be an issue when non-english characters such as ü, ö or å are present in the folder path. This is a Windows related issue so I cannot help but suggest you use a different path.

Which layers are used by eagleUp ?

eagleUp uses two layers for internal process :

int drill_image_layer = 116;
int imagesize_layer = 222;

These lines are at the beginning of the ULP file. If these layers are in conflict with your setup, edit and pick a free layer.

Importing my design in Sketchup is very slow

You can speed up the import by :
  • Using a lower resolution like 300 dpi (this is sufficient to check the placement of the parts, you can use a higher resolution when the design is finalized)
  • Installing the xxx-Q8 versions of ImageMagick instead of the xxx-Q16 (the processing is done on 8-bit per color which is sufficient for our images and is 50% faster)
  • Skipping the vias (eagleUp 4.3 and later). This reduces the complexity of the model and is faster to create and display.
  • Using as much as possible simple skp models for the parts. Models created from step/iges are heavy and not optimized. It is more efficient to draw your own parts whenever possible.
  • do not use the “use jpg images instead of png” setting, unless required by your post processing. The jpg images are heavier and slower to display than the png.

The displayed model is blurred.

In Sketchup, go to Window menu, then Preferences, then OpenGL tab. I activate the three first options and select the higher settings in the list (yours might be different).

The image is larger than the board, holes and components are misplaced.

Set the width of the dimension lines to zero to correct this problem.

The solder is not visible between the component and the pads

For a very realistic view you should place the tin on your skp models. With trial and error you will find the best looking shape.

Is eagleUp free ?

Yes, eagleUp is a free tool. A donation is always appreciated.

The import and export scripts are freely readable so you can edit them and learn new techniques.

I am in a hurry. Can you make the 3D model of my project ?

Sure, contact me for a quotation.

 I like this tool and would like to contribute. What can I do ?

You can subscribe to the beta tester list to help develop the future releases.

Even  if you are not familiar with ULP and Ruby coding, feel free to suggest ideas of improvements, different methods or tools to make eagleUp better and faster.

You can also support the development by making a small donation.


I leave the comments open on this page, feel free to leave your questions 🙂

62 thoughts on “F.A.Q.

  1. made according to tutorial, worked perfectly.
    may be the dimensions should be in mm, we can use the dimension tool and make a mechanical drawing out of it. in present case it is displaying dimensions in meters

    • Hello Rauol,
      I use meters because SketchUp is not precise enough when working with mm.
      You can scale your model 1000:1 just before adding the dimensions.

  2. Hi,

    Is there any way to render without a solder mask as a couple of boards I am working on I’m not planning to have one.


    • You can try to adjust the board color for the natural epoxy color. Then draw a rectangle of tStop and bStop over the whole board to remove the solder mask. Choose silver for the trace color.

  3. Hi Jerome, let me firstly thank you for your excellent tool.
    I discoverd it one week ago searching for a 3D tool for Eagle; I used a lot Eagle3D from Mathias (a great program and a very nice guy), but it is quite complex to manage.
    I then re-downloaded SketchUP8; this was tested and then discarded since unuseful for me until I found the connection to Eagle.
    After few days of learning and testing I was able to completely reproduce one of my board, using parts downloaded from the wahrehouse and adding all the missing parts with my drawing.

    Two request and one question (I use the Windows version):
    1. a choice to automatically delete all the image files, generated during the assembly process, at the end of job.
    This to avoid the 11 requests to overwrite existing file, or manually delete them, when rebuilding the board; annoying.

    2. Would be nice to have a tool, a command, a parameter…to cut all pins under the board at a given lenght, indipendently from model’s geometry. Looking below the surface there is a forest!

    3. Question: what are the duplicated .skp files left in the model folder, with same name and desinence of working file, but unrecognized from operating system ?
    They appear to be unuseful; I delete them regularly and everything runs ok.


    • Hello Giacomo,

      Thanks for your feedback. Here are some answers :

      1. Some users requested to keep the images so that they do not need to export, in case they import in Sketchup several times (this happens often of you miss some models at first). The warning appears on Eagle version up to 5.10. On Eagle 5.11 and 5.12 the message does not appear thanks to a new command. You can freely update to the latest 5.x version, it’s very reliable. Currently with eagleUp 4.3 the warning messages appear on Eagle 6.x This is a little bug that will be fixed in the next release of eagleUp. Check line 1071 in the ulp to see why.

      2. This would be a very nice feature indeed. This is however not trivial to implement as you need to edit sub-models. My advice is that usually I design models with pins 3mm long below the origin. Common PCB are 1.6mm so there is 1,4mm left, close to the industry standards (remember the diagonal pliers used to cut all pins at the same length before wave soldering, usually around 1.5mm).

      3. You have SKP files, SketchUp Part. And SKB where B is backup. You can indeed delete them.


  4. Hello Jerome, thanks for the answers.

    1. I modified line 1071 (I use Eagle 6.1) to:
    if( EAGLE_VERSION == 6 ) cmd += “SET CONFIRM OFF;\n”;
    but it still asks for confirmation.

    2. clear. I will modify all my models.

    3. I am dumb; I did not notice that were SKP and SKB (sight problem)

    New question:
    what if want to have different versions of the same model?
    (in example: Led3mm in red, green and yellow cases).
    I saw your video on assigning attributes, but it appears to concern spatial placement.
    Is there any way to select a different geometry according to a given parameter?
    You say: ‘This attribute can be defined within the library (it then applies to all your components) or on board level for a single part.’
    Sorry, but I am quite confused about this.


    • Hello Giacomo,

      1. I have not tried yet Eagle 6.x sorry. I will come back on this later.

      For your leds, create the parts in Sketchup and name them for exemple LED3MM_GREEN , LED3MM_RED … You can also vary the transparency/diffusion of the Led to match your real parts.
      Then in Eagle, edit your (personnal) library and add the attribute EAGLEUP to the Led device, put LED3MM_RED as value. This will be the default value.
      In your schematics/board you can edit the attribute of a given part, and overwrite the value, for ex LED3MM_GREEN.
      Export with the ULP and import again. You should have now both colors on your board.

      This method may look complex but it is entirely generic and can apply to any part, Leds, connectors, custom whatever… You can have small or large variations the method remains identical.


      • Hi Jerome, I tried in this last two days to display different ‘skins’ for a model (Led), without result.
        I believe to have done everything according to your indications:
        1. I created 4 different (color) models, naming them LED3MM_RED, LED3MM_GREEN,…
        2. I edited the Eagle led.lbr adding the attribute name EAGLEUP with value (default) LED3MM_RED and (variable) LED3MM_GREEN,…
        3. In the schematics I set the attribute’s value for the 4 leds to the EAGLEUP models name.
        4. Saved the board
        5. Run the ULP
        6. Open the board in SketchUP …

        and all the leds are Red !
        Actually, this was the result of many initial tests; then, I touched something (what?) and now they are always blue!

        Selecting one of the component in SU, the Entity windows shows the correct model name (definition), despite of the wrong aspect.

        Surely I made a mistake, but where ?
        I could provide models, board, images or whatever needed.

        Thanks if you can do something

        • I wish to inform that this issue has been fixed with a great help form Jerome.
          The problem was my understanding of some particularity of SU behavior and in no way related to EagleUp.

          Thanks Jerome

          • Finally it turned out to be a SketchUp design mistake. This could be useful for others so I will explain a bit.
            When you set a material in a SkechUp model, a copy of it is stored in the model properties. Giacomo made a primary (very nice) Led model, then edited the material of the translucent plastic to vary the colour. But the material name stayed the same.
            When eagleUp imports the first (blue) Led, the translucent plastic is imported into the board model. When the second (yellow) Led is imported, the Led appears blue. Surprising ! SketchUp optimizes the model by having only one instance of the material.
            Conclusion of this interesting experience : when you want objects of various colours, make sure you apply different materials, and not edit an existing one. Alternatively you can make a copy of a material under a new name : transparent blue, transparent red, etc.

  5. Hi there!

    First of all: really good job! Easy to achieve 3D-models that look pretty good, too! Nice!

    But I have one little problem: my 3D-model (the exapmle-board) doesn’t have any signal-layer. The top and the bottom side are grey. No matter if I use jpeg or png. In the eagleUp-subdirectory I can see the “eagleUp_demo3d_top.png” for example with all the signals, but they don’t appear in my model. I’ve tested with the 32- and the 64-bit version of ImageMagick 6.7.6, Eagle 6.1.0 and eagleUp 4.3.
    Is this a known issue or a common mistake from my side?

    Thanks for the help!

  6. Hi there – I’m able to import my model into SketchUp but I get no pads, traces, or silkscreen layers. The .png files exported from Eagle look fine, but they don’t appear in the SketchUp import. Any ideas why this might be?

    Eagle 6.1.0
    SketchUp 8.0.11751
    Mac OS 10.7.4

    What a fun tool. Useful, too!

    • Hi,
      Which version of ImageMagick do you have installed ?
      ImageMagick 6.7.8-4 had issues, corrected in the 6.7.8-5 so it might be a good idea to update it.

  7. I’m not sure how to determine that – I downloaded “ImageMagick-x86_64-apple-darwin11.4.0.tar.gz” last Friday and the only version number I find is 6.7.8.

    I just reinstalled ImageMagick through MacPorts and my results have improved! I now have silk screen and an inverted pads layer (plating everywhere except where the pads should be). Suggestions?

    Thanks again,

  8. some of the 3d models i downloaded from sketchup warehouse doesnot load (i.e. can see in 3d model) after import in sketchup and neither shows any error what is the problem ?

    • check that the size of the models match, and that they open normally before importing them. As always with CAD it is often quicker and safer to model your own parts than to use unknown models…

        • You can use the dimension tool, or in the plugin menu the scale/dimension tool that gives you the X * Y * Z dimensions.
          eagleUp works better when your model is scaled 1000:1 (1 mm real becomes 1 meter) and will try to scale up/down the imported parts. But this scaling might not detect some of your parts. You then have a boards measuring several meters and a small model of 2x2mm. Invisible.

  9. Impressive effort here! However, I can’t get the board traces to display in SketchUp …

    iMac Intel Core Duo (32-bit) w/ Snow Leopard 10.6.8
    Eagle Lite v6.20 for Mac OSX
    EagleUp 4.4
    SketchUp 8.0
    ImageMagick tarballs (.configure / make / make install)
    Tried all 3 ImageMagick versions with same results – png’s created OK, but no signal layer on the 3D example board. Any ideas?


      • Hi Jerome,
        Tried with both 6.7.8-5 and 6.7.8-10. Also moved from /opt/local/bin/… to /Applications/ImageMagick/… to perhaps remove any permission problems. ImageMagick logo test works OK from the terminal (both user and root).

        • Can you try with 6.7.8-5 ? This version works here.
          The ruby log won’t say much as the commands are properly executed. But sometimes ImageMagick changes their API without warning.

  10. Hello
    I use Eagle 6.3.0 of course with sketch up 8 but does not have any component on the board and I have tried several times but to no avail
    Is this due to the non-inclusion of components within
    For your information I am I live in Algeria

  11. looks like a nice alternative to eagle3D. the problem is i didnt get it working on ubuntu 12.04. everything was installing just fine but when it asks for the paths of convert and composite it cant find the files even after searching and entering the path manually. i tried it with imagemagick and eagle both via wine too but that didnt work either

    • The main issue with linux is that Sketchup is not native, and running Sketchup in Wine is not simple and not very stable.

  12. Hey, nice job with EagleUp, really impressive!

    I followed the tutorial, but pads and vias layer don’t show up…
    What’s wrong?

    Macbook Pro
    Mac OSX 10.8.2

    Google SketchUp 8

    I installed Imagemagick trought terminal using Homebrew

    Thanks in advance!

      • Well actually I don’t know wich version I’m using, I just wrote some terminal comands and follow the homebrew tutorial…

        Where do I find the version I installed, and how do I install the version we said? (in case they don’t match…)

  13. I can not see the tracks in sketchup.
    eagleup 4.3 and 4.4
    eagle 5.11 and eagle 6.3
    SketchUp 8
    probre with multiple versions of imagemagick:
    6.7.3-5-Q16 windows dll
    I keep trying other versines? or there is a combination of versions that work?
    Please help. I’m desperate jejej

    • That’s a lot of tests, sorry for your trouble. Many versions you have tried are known to work well.
      Q16 is not necessary for the texture, so better use a Q8, the rendering will be faster.
      Questions :
      1. are you updating the paths in eagleUp general settings ?
      2. are you trying on the demo files ?

      I personally use 6.7.3-2, or 6.8.2-5 if this can help.


    • That’s interesting.
      Have you modified the default layer colors and fill style in Eagle ?
      If so, please post a screenshot of your layer window.

  14. Hello,

    I downloaded the EasyDriver v4.4 pcb and schematic from the author’s website http://www.schmalzhaus.com/EasyDriver/ and wanted to convert it to 3D view. However when i go to UPL and select the file i get the message “Error, cannot find any outline on the layout! check the dimensions (20) layer. I get the same error if i chose the 46Milling option only the error number is changed to (46). Any solutions?

    • If you open the brd file you will see that the author of this design has drawn the outline of the board on the silk layer (tPlace). There is no standard in the CAD industry for defining the outline but it is more reliable to have a dedicated layer for this, called Dimensions in Eagle.
      To export the design you just have to change the outline layer rectangle onto the Dimensions (20) layer. Make you sure you change all 4 sides. It is also recommended to thin the line, for example downto 1 mil.

      • Thanks Jerome that was it. If anybody is wondering how to swap the layers run ULP and chose cmd-change-swap-layer file.

        • You can change the layer of the lines with the info button, or with the change/layer tool. No unexpected side effects.

  15. Hello,

    a great Tool. 🙂

    But, one question. My PCB contains something for milling, there’s a rectangle for layer 46 (milling).

    There’s nothing after exporting? Is this my fault or ignores the ulp this layer? The drill holes are okay, but no milling. 😦

    I’ve changed the rectangle to layer 20 (dimension), no luck.

    Thank you!

    • Hello,
      Internal cutout, or milling, are not very well defined in the industry.
      I recommend to draw only the outline of your cutout, with lines and arcs, do not use the rectangle “filled area”.
      eagleUp uses a single layer for board outline and cutouts. For ex you draw all on layer 20 dimensions.
      Your cutout should appear on the board, if not send me you board by email and I can investigate.

  16. Hi thanks for the tutorial….. I am facing a problem in sketchup… after selecting the *.eup it is showing an error like this…

    eagleUp has detected an error in the template. For best experience you need to set the template to engineering – meters in the preferences/template menu. ……

    But the problem is I didn’t find this template anywhere and I tried using all other templates nothing works.

    Please let me know what to do…

    Thanks in advance

  17. This is simply incredibly nice and powerful. I am impressed.

    One observation and one question;

    Eagleup of hangs in the Sketchup Import phase, but not always. It always happens after asking a lot of “resize” questions, and before the final “missing packages” dialog. It seems to happen more often when I jump to other programs while it is working on it, but that is more of a GutFeeling.

    In my Eagle library I have screw terminals named “MKDSN 1.5/2-5.08”. Are these names legit, because I can’t manage to make them show up after the import?

    Btw, I am on Mac OSX if that matter.


    • I can answer my question by now; There is character substitution happening, and one need to rename according to the Missing Packages list.

    • Sketchup gets slow when you have large number of parts / highly detailed parts. Models converted from STEPs with detailed curves are heavy.
      Resizing should not change the speed much. You can reduced texture of the board resolution to speed the processing.
      In any case more RAM memory is always a good thing when modelling.

      Some characters are forbidden and get replaced, the / and \ for ex as they are used for paths.

  18. Cannot get sketchup to run. Error in ruby console is images > creating top and bottom images
    Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for #>.
    All components installed OK, had to modify locations to Programs (x86). Eagle says exported OK. No luck on demo or my pcb.
    Need some guidance. Thanks

  19. Hello, I have a request to know if it’s possible to auto agree the question : package is quite large, do you want to resize it.
    Because for small device it’s necessary to keep Meter and when I import my model, I need to accept many, many times.
    If it will be possible to have (accept all) button, it should be very appreciate.
    Thank a lot

    • You could resize (there is a function in the eagleUp plugin menu) and save the 3d models that are not on the proper scale. The message is a warning telling you there is mismatch between the template in use and the parts to avoid “missing models” when they a one thousand times too small.
      Working in meters is the recommended template.

  20. Well, I’ve updated to EAGLE 6.5 and when I now start the SketchUp plugin it’s like freezing the computer. The import by ImageMagic is awfully slow. Tried the demo its fast like the first time. Writing about the diffference off taking seconds and at last half an hour.
    All modells are png, the OpenGL features are activated, the PC is a 2.6 GHz DELL including 4GB RAM and Windows 7 64-bit Serv.Pack 1.
    The speed varies dramativly from board to board. Any idea?
    Is there a way to trip Image Magic so it slows down.

    • To speed up the texture generation :
      – select a lower resolution, especially with large boards
      – store your files on local hard drive, network access tends to slow down the conversion as large amount of data are exchanged

      Do you notice a difference of speed on the same layout with eagle 6.5 VS Eagle you had previously ?

  21. It always says missing package. I have already downloaded packages from the warehouse and pasted it in the models folder of eagle. However, whenever I start importing the eup file, it always says missing package. I’m wondering whether it has anything to do with the ImageMagick, that version I have downloaded is ImageMagick-6.9.0-Q16. Can anyone help me in my problem? Thanks a lot.

    • Can you see any part on your board ?
      If no part visible, your models path is probably incorrect. Please check it.
      If you can see some parts on the board and still have this message then you are missing one or more model. You can either look for it or make it yourself as you do for Eagle parts.

  22. I am created component, but in eagle the package names’s “C2,5-2” with “,”. How do component name in sketchup?

    • the comma will be replaced by a dot in the searched model name.
      ie you could name your file C2.5-2.skp


      use the EAGLEUP attribute to specify a completely different file name
      for ex set the EAGLE attribute to “my_large_cap” so that the importer will look for my_large_cap.skp


  23. Is there a possibility to see a milling as real groove from top to bottom instead of a white line on both sides.

    You make a great job.

    • if you define your slot on the same layer as the board contour (usually dimension layer) you will get a cut out in the board. This is a usual procedure for board houses as well.

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