Welcome to eagleUp

Welcome to eagleUp website. If this is your first visit please check the installation page with a complete step by step tutorial on the setup. Then you can follow a tutorial on how to use eagleUp with the example provided.

For the model of your own project you will need some 3D parts. You can get them from the warehouse, or draw them yourself. It’s quick and simple. You can also import step files for the mechanical parts.

Feel free to leave a feedback in the comments or by email.

22 thoughts on “Welcome to eagleUp

  1. Hello, congratulations on the project, is very useful!

    I’ve been using EagleUp for a while but I have designed a new plate and does not work with it.
    I give export in Eagle and then to import in Sketchup but the result is bad:

    I’m using: eagle-win-6.4.0, SketchUp 8, ImageMagick-6.7.9-9-Q8-windows,
    eagleUp 4.4

    Can what be the problem?

    Thank you!

    • It looks like in several places the outline path is broken. Because of this Sketchup cannot extrude the board.
      – check that your outline segments are joined properly in Eagle, try to move the corners and check the lines are following
      – a couple of circles appear crossing the outline. this could be a problem as well, try removing them temporarily and see if it improves

  2. Can i import 3D models in unity or unreal development kit to make my project for oculus rift , if 3D models of eagleup has supporting files format like .obj,.FBX,.3DS,.dxf etc for unity and file format .ASE &.TGA for unreal development kit.

    • eagleUp simply “generates” Sketchup files. If Sketchup files can be imported into your dev kits then there should be no problem.
      Sketchup “pro” version (and the evaluation version) can export .3DS :
      For the others a quick google search indicates that some plugins exist so there is hope for your convsersions.

  3. Thanks Jerome for your previous suggestion.But i want to know ,Can i make 3D image of PCB by using these 3 software or i need other’s.Actually i am interested to make 3D mobel of my PCB then assembled component on it and afterwards fix in a borad.

    • I’m not entirely sure what you’re trying to achieve here, however SketchUp is a 3D design program. eagleUp simply converts the EagleCAD board file into a format that SketchUp can import. Anything after that it outside of the scope of eagleUp.

      However, from SketchUp, you can export an STL file (I believe versions 2013 and 2014 can do that without the need for a plugin, however there are also free plugins for that if you need it.) And most 3D applications will import an STL file that you can then do whatever you want to.

  4. Actually I want to make a project for oculusrift,so i need a content for it and i want to make my conent as you show in mini project video,but i have too many diffculties because i am enable to connect with warehouse due some reason as ‘get model’ tab of my skectup or certain other tabs enable to connect with internet.Also want to make 3D chip(or PCB) as you show in video with assembled components .
    Can provide me any kind of video to such mini project you shows in video.If this thing is done then i am able to import my project on prepared in sketchup in .3ds and.FBX format.

  5. Is EagleCAD a paid software? And How Can i make my board in it,Could you help me to solve my both of problem.

    • Interesting project. But eagleUp is mainly for building 3d out of a PCB.
      Your question is more general and I suggest you go on Sketchup forums to get expert’s answers.

  6. Any particular reason eagleUp is telling me it can’t find an outline on this: http://www.ka4designs.com/DimLayer.jpg ? The Dimension layer is there, it’s a circle (created with the Circle tool), and there’s one part on the board. However, if I start out with a square drawn with the Wire tool, then I use the Miter tool to round all the corners so it’s a perfect circle again, then it exports just fine. What gives? Using EagleCAD 6.6 here with the latest ULP file for eagleUp.

    • That’s correct, circles are not recognized as edges for a board. You can either draw arcs, or as you suggested start by a square that you bend until getting the circle (here you have 4 arcs).
      (circles define inner contours such as holes or millings)

  7. I’m using eagle 7.3.0 on ubuntu 14.04 and when using EagleUp_export.ulp i get an error

    Can’t open ‘/home/mfergu3/Documents/CPSC/Eagle/projects/examples/demo files//home/mfergu3/Documents/CPSC/Eagle/sketch_pcb/demo3d.eup’

    No such file or directory

    when I click on OK

    The folders are at the exact locations I list in the edit general settings under “eagle : Edit general settings” and I even tried running it as a super user which also did not work.

  8. I have “successfully” imported my pcb to sketchup. But no components was imported, only the pcb? Any suggestions? I’m using Sketchup 2016, EAGLE 7.5.0 , ImageMagick-6.9.3-Q16 and eagleUp4.5

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